Kudamm Corporation

Check Orientation of Glass Printing​​ - Machine/Vision

Applicatipons Details

Hardware For Check Orientation of Glass Printing

Check Orientation of Glass Printing Result

Check Comparision of Ok Image and Not Good image (NG)below.

Check Orientation of Glass Printing

OK Image with all stamps properly present in each block. Also readingall stamps nos.

Glass Printing Orientation Check.​​

Tools Used :- Pattern

Check Orientation of Glass Printing

OK Image with all stamps properly present in each block. Also readingall stamps nos.

Glass Printing Orientation Check.

Tools Used :- Pattern

Check Orientation of Glass Printing

Not Good Image (NG)

Below all stamping condition will be considered as NG Result.

Tools Used :- Pattern

Check Orientation of Glass Printing

Not Good Image (NG)

Below all stamping condition will be considered as NG Result.

Tools Used :- Pattern